Saturday, December 12, 2015

[Software Engineering] Use Cases versus Requirements - Which one do you need?

Use case and Requirements are used to specify what need to be done in a system but are slightly different.
Use case usually described the need of some people with the sentence:
“As a user, I can…”

On the other hand, requirements usually describe the behavior or criteria a system should provide and the sentence is started with
“The system shall provide…"

The major difference is the perspectives. A use case is used to capture the user’s need. Requirements are used to specify the system’s intention.

In agile development, people use the User Story as the form to describe the system behavior. However, this might be not enough for a developer to implement the system. Think about a user story of an ATM system as below:
“As a user, I can withdraw the cash after login the system successfully”

This user story does not capture the details. Of course, there are other user stories of the ATM, but the point is that user story might not capture enough details from the user’s perspective. The user stories or use cases are needed to be further analyzed to have implementable requirements.

My opinion is that you need both use cases and requirements. Use use cases to capture the user’s need and analyze the use cases to get requirements (both functional requirements or quality requirements). Focus on translating the use cases to the right and implementable requirements. Then, you will have a solid foundation of a successful project.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

[教學] 美國汽車保險的幾個省錢方法


  1. 保險人的年紀,例如滿三十歲的時候,保費會降低。還有一個好學生專案。
  2. 有信用分數。這個應該是影響最多的,據經紀人說,保費幾乎差了一倍。
  3. 加保房屋險。這樣會讓整體保費下降。

[教學] 加州車牌換伊利諾州車牌轉讓

假設 車是親戚的車,車籍和保險皆在在加州


1. Bill of Order: 就是賣方買方簽的合約。格式可以google得到
2. Certificate of Title: 用台灣的說法是行照。如果 CoT 過期的話,拿該年度車子
3. 請賣方或轉讓給你的人上加州DMV網站填寫Release of Liability

1. 車子轉讓費:依據車子的金額、年份、和轉讓者(家人)的關係決定。參考伊利諾州R
。如果沒有支票可以去walmart買 money order。

2. 車子領牌費:美金95元。我是付現。忘記問可不可以刷卡了。




Tuesday, January 27, 2015

2014 台北市長選舉心得與觀察




1. 身為留學生,對國家的認同更是深刻。自己的國家,才能用選票決定未來。

2. 成功的要素是:天份,運氣和努力,這點從這次選戰柯文哲身上可以看出。

3. 聰明的人,只要肯認真,換個領域還是可以表現很好

4. 跳出框架來思考。要解決既有的問題,就應該用新的思考。例如:在野大聯盟VS藍綠惡鬥

5. 做事光明磊落,不怕別人檢驗

6. 領導人的領導能力,讓部下敢做,放手做。領導者有能力承擔後果

7. 沉著。例如MG149案,雖然早已拿到律師回函,還是等到適當時機才拿出來回應。

8. 厚道。不隨意批評人。(不過,KP到是常常說出有爭議的話)

9. 熱愛自己的專業

10. 把事情做到最好

11. 娶到一個好老婆,聰明,懂事,負責。有自己的事業。 XD

12. 找到一個好團隊:姚立明,與辦公室的夥伴

13. 有錯就改。不怕犯錯,犯錯及檢討為何犯錯及如何避免,Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

14. 字醜沒關係 XD

15. SOP的制定與遵守。遇到錯誤就檢討改進SOP。一直iterative的改進SOP

